Church Activities
We are a busy, thriving and active church seeking to meet the preferences and needs of all age groups and families. Throughout the year we have a variety of meetings and groups who get together in Christian fellowship.
There are a number of regular weekly and monthly meetings supplemented by special events and celebrations. Please scroll down to see what we get up to weekly and monthly.
Our prayer life together is essential for the spiritual health of our church. We encourage our church family to gather on the first and third Tuesday in each month, so we can pray together to our God. This is time of praise to God for who he is, give thanks for what he has done, and ask him to glorify his name by meeting our needs, and the needs of people globally.
Our six Elders meet monthly at the church to work and pray through an agenda of spiritual, administration and fellowship matters. On alternate months the Elders are joined by the two Deacons and our Lead Finance Officer for a Trustees meeting.
The Broadstone Baptist Church Ladies Fellowship has been meeting for many years. We meet in the main church worship hall, during term time at 2.30pm on a Wednesday afternoon, with a service lasting about an hour, followed by tea, biscuits and fellowship in the Lounge.
We have a range of speakers, many of whom have a missions focus, and give us a window on the work of God throughout our world today. We also have 'Our Own Programmes' where our members bring insights and thoughts to share in an open meeting.
We are a group of women who want to serve each other, and learn more about our loving God, and we welcome all ladies, with no lower or upper age limit - in fact, our youngest was just a few weeks old and our oldest members are in their 90s!
Please feel free to come along and meet with us on a Wednesday afternoon. You will be made very welcome!
Each month on the second and fourth Tuesdays we meet in small groups for a time of Bible study, discussion, prayer and fellowship. Led by a deacon, elder or church officer the groups meet at church and in peoples homes. Currently one group meet in the morning at church, a second group in a members home in the afternoon and the remaining four groups are evening home gatherings. Discussions often centre on the previous weeks sermons or upcoming series.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School groups meet together in separate rooms during the second part of our Sunday morning worship service before the sermon is preached. We currently run two groups for boys and girls. The pre-school group as the name suggests is for the pre 5 year olds and the junior group is for 5 - 10 year olds (School Reception to Year 5).
We have a a team of leaders who explain Bible Passages and Stories and their importance to children today. Each week is different. We use quizzes, games, crafts, acting and worksheets to explain the Bible and the children are encouraged to participate.
We are blessed to have a team of six experienced teachers some of whom are or have been in the academic teaching profession. Committed Christians, these leaders and helpers ensure that the classes combine fun and enjoyment with a sound base of scriptural learning in a safe and friendly environment.
Back in 2018 two of our deacons together with their wives saw an opportunity to reach out to our local community and surrounding areas by starting a “lunch” club. After prayer and having considered all the implications of such a venture we made plans. Our chefs had to take food handling courses and our premises were inspected vigorously. The premises were given a five-star rating, and the chef passed the food handling course.
Posters and flyers were sent out social services were involved to find suitable people. The scheme got underway, and we had a good mix of church members and people from the community. The two course lunches were well received, and we were encouraged to see the project building up and then along came the Covid pandemic and we were forced to stop.
Now we have regrouped for 2024 and many of the first team of volunteers have signed up again to help plus others willing to offer transport for those who need it. The format is much the same as before with a slight change in timing, more focus on outreach and we are limiting numbers to thirty. We pray that this outreach from the church will bring people in and that they will enjoy fellowship, make new friends, and hear the message of Christ’s redeeming love.
Once a month the men in the church fellowship are invited to a Saturday morning breakfast 8.00am meeting at the Café Gardenia in Broadstone. This is a social get together for a time of fellowship nourishment and spiritual refreshment. All are welcome.