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Children and Youth 

Sunday School

Our Sunday School groups meet together  in separate rooms during the second part of our Sunday morning worship service before the sermon is preached. We currently run two groups for boys and girls. The pre-school group as the name suggests is for the pre 5 year olds and the junior group is for 5 - 10 year olds (School Reception to Year 5)


Our team of leaders who explain Bible Passages and Stories and their importance to children today. Each week is different. We use quizzes, games, crafts, acting and worksheets to explain the Bible and the children are encouraged to participate.

We are blessed to have a team of experienced teachers some of whom are or have been in the academic teaching profession. Committed Christians, these leaders and helpers ensure that the classes combine fun and enjoyment with a sound base of scriptural learning in a safe and friendly environment.





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“BBC Kids” is held on Fridays 6-7pm during term time for Children aged 4 – 9 (Reception to year 4). We are currently making our way through “The Biggest Story” curriculum. “The Biggest Story” leads readers on an exciting journey through the Bible, from the garden of Eden to the return of Christ. This fun curriculum based on the book draws kids into Scripture and helps them grasp its overarching message of redemption. We have a really fun time learning about the Bible and how it all links to Jesus, singing songs, playing games, and being creative.

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Running under the banner of “BBC JAM” (Jesus And Me) the youth aged 9-13 (school years 5-8) will meet every Friday between 7.30-8.30 pm during term time in the downstairs hall. This group will follow more of a bible study outline, it will be more advanced than the BBC Kids group but will, of course, also have fun elements. We want the youth to delve deeper into God’s word and apply it to their own lives. Instead of just hearing about all these bible stories that happened thousands of years ago, we want them to understand that they all still apply to them today and that Jesus is still relevant to us. We will start off this new group by looking at two series. The first one is called the 'Wonderfully Made Series' which explores themes of human dignity, identity and purpose in Psalm 139. The second one is called 'Encounters with Jesus' which explores seven significant encounters with Jesus in Matthew's gospel.

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